There is nothing quite like flying over and above the ocean on a wave or open swell being propelled up to 40kph by the energy IN the wave. Foil surfing is an incredible feeling.
There are three ways to Foil surf or ride waves on a foilboard
1. PRONE surfing – riding a 4-5′ board and paddling in on your stomach.
2. SUP Foil surf – standing on a 6-7′ SUP board and paddle in with a carbon paddle
3. TOW Foiling – being towed into waves on a 4-5′ board
Which ever path you decide to go down you are going to be able to ride waves you have NEVER ridden before and get away from the local crowds
Knowing how to foil and maintain flight in bumpy conditions is key to foiling. We teach this behind our boat at Balmoral ( 3-4 days a week at 7:15am).
COST: We need two people. $180pp for your first lesson. This is a 2 hour lesson.
Email us: [email protected] or call Andrew Allen: 0414 542 225
FOIL SURFING is easy, if you take your time and learn to fly the foil before going out into the ocean. FOIL SURFING is counter intuitive – riding a Foilboard is like riding a Unicycle. You are taking away a wheel and leaving the flat surface of the water. It is a totally unique balancing experience and small body movements have a huge impact. We teach the basics behind our boat so they become second nature when you attach the foil to your favourite board.
1. Firstly, it helps to be proficient at the sport you want to Foil in. Intermediate Kite, Wind/Wing, Surf or short SUP skills will allow you to progress quicker. You don’t want to be learning to ride the board and the foil at the same time.
2. It doesn’t matter how proficient you are, it will save you hours of frustration if you learn to Foil before go into the ocean. From our experience, proficient surfers often have more trouble adapting to this completely counter intuitive, new way of riding a board.
3. The quickest way to learn to Foil is behind a boat with the right gear and the right instruction. As one legend of the sport, Dave Kalama so eloquently puts it “Getting behind a boat on flat water will give you time to break it down and learn to fly first. You only have 10-15 seconds on a wave to get your body position right. Behind a boat you have as long as you want. Besides being safer, it will catapult your learning experience.”
4. Follow this up with some one-on-one in the surf with a qualified instructor like James Casey and you are guaranteed the best chances of success.
Body and foot positioning are critical if you want to foil successfully.
We teach Foilboarding at Balmoral Beach. We have boats, boards and Foils specifically designed for learning and progressing. Get your flying skills honed behind a boat before you enter the ocean and you will save HOURS of frustration.
Where: Balmoral Beach/Sydney Harbour
Cost: 2 hour Foil Boarding Lesson – $180pp. We require two people to run a lesson. If it is just yourself we will find someone. Three people -$450 for 3 hours.
KIDS: We teach children 14+ if accompanied by their parent. Some board riding/surfing skills are a pre-requisite if you want to maximise the session
We teach from 7-7.30am weekdays and weekends. We supply everything including safety gear. Email or call Andrew Allen to book your lesson – 0414 542 225
Please email [email protected] for details.
For personal one-on-one sessions in the ocean call us on 0414 542 225
© Ben Thouard :